Monday, August 4, 2008

Impulse Buying on a Budget

I made myself another drop spindle - this time not from cd's but from a toy wheel and an oak dowel I bought from Lowe's. It spins a whole lot longer than the cd spindles I've been using and I'm playing with making a few more and then painting them.

I've been busy knitting the Blue Fern Lap Robe for Pam who is battling fourth stage ovarian cancer. She learned about her diagnosis less than three weeks ago and after a few days of playing phone tag, we finally got to talk for over an hour. Her husband limits her calls and activities so she can rest so it was precious time for sure.

So far, I'm only done with the third repeat of the pattern and if I follow the pattern, I've got 22 more to go! So I better be off and running with it.

Last night I found a used Hitchhiker spinning wheel for sale. Remember when I said that I would prefer to get the Pocket Wheel over the Hitchhiker? Well, after emailing Doug about the wheel, he said that he's safely estimating 6 months from the time I would send in my $100 deposit to get the wheel in my hands. That's a long time to wait, but I don't mind.

Yet here I was stumbling on this used hitchhiker wheel on Ravelry and after pm'ing the seller, found out that it was still available. Talk about impulse's on its way as we speak. I'd like to paint the wheel (if I like spinning on it) with a medicine wheel type of design - but that's gonna be a "I'll believe it when I see it" plan.

In the meantime, I'm holding off ALL thoughts on spinning wheel purchases until I get to try a few of them out. The HH is pretty reasonable and inexpensive wheel, and although not the best wheel to use a first wheel, it will stay in my office so I can spin in between client sessions as sometimes my wait in between can be 2 hours. Knitting is fine, but sometimes it's just nice to do something else (well, like study!).

I spoke to Nancy of Custom Handweaving and we're going to barter! Renting a wheel for massages! Isn't that cool! And she's just four blocks away from me!

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