Monday, June 9, 2008

One Busy Day

So I found some information on the internet on how to create your own CD spindles. And since I'm stuck with only 2 full spindles at the moment and have yet to take another one-on-one class with Nancy of Nancy's Custom Handweaving on how to ply what I've made so far, I decided to go to Home Depot and Michael's and get myself some parts to make one, or a few, CD spindles.

At Michaels they had a 6-pack package of pre-cut dowels for $1.99, and then at Home Depot, I found the grommets for about $2.39 for a 5-pack at the electrical aisle, and a 4-pack package of hook and eye for about $1.99. And CDs, I have a ton of them! So I started making one, then two, then what the heck, might as well finish off everything I had purchased. I ended up with 5 drop spindles and started working on the first one with the beautiful Wild Colonial Blueberry roving I purchased from Spinning Ginny last week.

What can I say? It works beautifully so far. Each spindle weighs 1.6 oz and I made a couple as top whorls and the rest as bottom whorls. I can always practice with them with all the roving I have so far. Eventually though, I know I'm going to run out of roving and I have to find myself a few more...

Right now, the yarn I've spun is definitely not bulky, which was what I had originally wanted to spin, but it's not lace weight either. It goes from thin thin thin to slightly thick, maybe worsted weight, especially in the places when I join fiber.

In the meantime, our pipes need to be repaired. The tenants in the front house were complaining about really low water pressure last week and when Leo and his dad repaired the leaking pipe, another crack appeared along another older length of pipe, this time a bigger one. Leo's had to shut off the water each night so the water does not leak all over the driveway through the night, and then turn it back on at half the regular water pressure for the day.

They're digging a long ditch right now so they can join new pipe right alongside the driveway, and from there, the contractor across the street will lay out the pipes. For now, I need to get busy and do some laundry before the water's completely shut off so they can lay down the pipes.

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